Birthday Party FAQ

Birthday Party FAQ

How do I book a party or check on availability?
Reservations can be made by email or call 773-728-8111.

Where can I find photos of the space?
Click here to see photos of the Children’s Museum and classroom.

When should I reserve the birthday party?
We recommend you call or email with several date options as far out as you can. Birthday party dates can fill up quickly, especially in the late fall through early spring.

What if I have to cancel my reservation?
The party can be rescheduled within one year of the original party date. Unfortunately, if you cancel without wishing to reschedule, you will lose your $50 deposit.

How do I return the signed contract?
Fax, email, mail or hand delivery.

What do I need to bring to the party?

  • Food and beverages. Any food brought to a party must come from a store or restaurant.
  • Plates, cups, napkins, utensils
  • Decorations for the classroom
  • Coolers with ice, if there is a need to keep things cold. We do not have a place to store cold items.

Is there anything not allowed?

  • Alcohol
  • Homemade food
  • Piñatas

How do I get my supplies to and from my car?
You are responsible for bringing all items inside and back to your car. There is a loading zone in front of the Museum that you may use if it is available. Please put your flashers on when parked there and move your vehicle as soon as you are finished loading/unloading.

Where do I park?
If our parking lot is available, your guests may use it. Occasionally the lot is used for other events, so it is not guaranteed. The lot is located on the corner of Foster and Ashland. Otherwise there is metered street parking along Clark Street and partially down local side streets. There is free parking along Foster, Ashland and further down local side streets.

Do you have a refrigerator or freezer available?
No. Many guests choose to bring coolers for convenience.

Can I drop items off prior to the party or leave them to be picked up later?
No, there is no secure space to leave any items that will be out of the way of other guests. All supplies must be brought during your set up time. Likewise, you may not leave any items behind to be picked up at a later date.

Do you provide decorations?
No, but you may bring in your own decorations. All decorations, including balloons must remain in the classroom. There are no piñatas or any heavy decorations that need to be suspended from the ceiling allowed.

What forms of payment are accepted?
We accept cash, checks and credit cards.